iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA

59811 - iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA
59811 - iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA
59811 - iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA
59811 - iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA
59811 - iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA

iPhone 16 128GB Unlocked USA

Item number: 59811

We have in stock the following iphone 16 128GB unlocked (A) grade units available for immediate purchase.
Online retail on these units are at 785.00$ for refurbished / New 829.00$
iPhone 16 128GB
Unlocked to All Carriers
Mix of All Colors
A Grade (HSO)
Total: 795 units
Price take all: 690.00$ pcs.

Price: 690.00 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.